Thursday, 26 April 2007

The hour of the exit is the 10 am and it is requested the passenger that leave

That's on a list of instructions in my hostel room, as well as the heading "This forbidden zone" above a list of things that aren't allowed in the rooms, including animals and electrical equipment.

Anyway, contrary to anything I may have previously led you to believe, the latest news on my trip is that tomorrow I shall be heading North to the jungle town of Iquitos (why do I do it to myself?) from where I should be able to take a river boat down the Amazon into Brazil.

I like to call it flexibility and spontaneity, but some might consider it an inability to plan and an unwillingness to make my mind up.

Oh yes.

Obviously, you know as well as I do that it's possible none of this will happen.

But I'm saying a fond farewell to Cusco, the city that has been my home, on and off, for the last three months, and striking out into the great unknown.

It's probable that the next time I email will be from Brazil.

Alpaca to the sauce

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